Labour could be swept into power with a landslide of more than 400 seats at the next general election, according to the latest YouGov mega poll.

The survey of 18,000 people predicts Sir Keir Starmer’s party will win a parliamentary majority of 154 - almost double what the Conservatives achieved with Boris Johnson in 2019.

The poll forecasts Labour will win 403 seats, a gain of 201, while the Tories will crash to just 155 seats - a loss of 210.

If correct, the result would be a worse defeat for the Conservatives than under Sir John Major in 1997, when the rise of Sir Tony Blair’s New Labour left them with just 165 MPs.

Key Conservatives projected to lose their seats include Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, cabinet ministers Grant Shapps and Penny Mordaunt and former party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith.

    6 months ago

    Any time a political party gets an effective ‘super-majority’ they have a narrow window to prove they are worthy of such electoral faith. If they come through and enact policies to help people, they will be amply rewarded.

    Sadly, history has shown everyone falling into internecine conflict and squandering the opportunity. Let’s see if this time it will be different.