red nose energy

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • I’m not an Apple person but IIRC their appstore is functional for already purchased and free apps. New purchases, as well as import of devices, are done via various grey schemes like via currencies and borders of third countries. I can’t recall news about someone getting individually banned for that, but some opportunistic foreign banks closed their doors to rubles fearing sanctions. Official stores are closed, but I guess their repair\replace services are still operated but without a connection to the Apple themselves. There were also services to install non-Appstore banking clients and government’s services via some loopholes. At the same time, except for the app in the OP, some apps can choose not to be availiable in a select country on their own.

    I guess Apple did the formal exit and then stopped to care. It’s not operating in Russia per se, but it operates in other countries with entities barely passing as legal consumers and resellers. They still get their profits as usual, and these interlayer smugglers make big bucks enough to be advertised in every second russian youtube video. Is there then a mechanism to make Apple filter them out?

    A bit related news piece: russian gamers cried over Sony limiting Helldivers 2 to select countries, while other russian gamers dunked on them for they have PSN linked to the right country.

  • And Lemmy doesn’t have a button to follow individual users or have a multireddit, for them or for some communities. On Reddit I had my porn subs collected into one tab (+Friends tab) and this didn’t show anywhere else, but there it’s only solvable by creating another account on lemmynsfw for that while banning all porn on your main acc. Following one creator without their own /c/ is a problem.

    IIRC Wordpress had plugins to autorepost into other places. Maybe if Lemmy had one, it could’ve been perceived as less isolated by OC authors. For now you need to put effort to post a thing there too, for the sake of a small 1 mil userbase.

  • Besides what others say it also strenghtens monopoly on information, a resource used in research, but also valuable in creating hyped up LLMs (like Reddit did closing their API). Likes can be used to map which groups like what, which content is seen as valuable, singling out bot networks from organic reactions etc etc. This information enriches datasets you can gather (without paying Musk?).

    I would probably vouch for that info to be accessible to either no one or anyone. Twitter is still a public square where politicians and orgs announce stuff and leave their official remarks, so it’s more valuable if it’s transparent. And we also had some scandals with famous douches liking controversal shit or just porn from their main accounts (:

  • Their R&D in designing a console and these nice controllers is probably more expensive for Valve than what they’ve got from selling actual products, but cheap smartphone is $40 in the more sanctioned Russia, so I guess something like $100 isn’t an unreasonable price goal, and these folks are historically more into IT than we are, that makes me believe they can do or already did cheap controlling devices. I’m open to be wrong.

    And yeah, military things are always extra durable and extra overpriced, but they are in a process to cut corruption to join NATO\EU, so probably the end price won’t be that exhausting.

  • Maybe a little excessive for just drone operation and communications, but the formfactor of a handheld console is where the sweet spot is. I feel like if they’d make them for $100 with something akin to a 10-years old hardware in a rugged everything-proof body, it can become a standard in the future. Cheap drones have shown they can drop bombs alright, so there’s probably a market for a cheap controller made just for that.

  • It helps that the new head of design for both of these products is a guy who really knows his shit. He’s already taken MuseScore from an application that nobody in their right mind would use if they could afford the commercial competitors, to a legitimately great music engraving application, and he’s been on Audacity too since 2021.

    I tried Audacity before that and couldn’t migrate from adobe’s aquired CoolEditPro (Au versions before modern redesign). Have it changed much since then? I’m yet to find an alternative (video editing tools just doesn’t make it, although they get recommended) and as I can recall Audacity had an interface that’s not as easy to use.

  • Cheaper and simplier devices can do that, I agree. Lowering gradations of grey can hurt comic books readers but won’t hurt book reading routine that much. WiFi and bluetooth are convinient, but at the same time they hurts bettery life too much, so it’s better to go without them. Sleeping or turned off mode is kinda stupid for it rerenders the whole page to show the default image on cheap devices - the goal as I see it is to minimize rerendering and thus turn off these completely. Touchscreens are rather useless and they too use power – a couple of physical buttons cover most needs. It’s just the UI on most of them is very unfriendly, judging by chinese ones I had used, and open-sourcing it can save us a lot of headache. Backlit books though are here to be, and there should be a hotkey to turn it off and on, so one can resd it comfortably at any time and quickly avoid energy waste. Having SD card for everything exluding OS instead of internal memory would probably make it cheaper. And as we probably expecting schools to make them popular, there should be a dock for multiple devices to rapidly upload one collection of files to a dozen of devices.