• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • It looks interesting, but more focused on conversions than actual operations it seems:

    octave:37> a.value = 100
    a =
      scalar structure containing the fields:
        value = 100
        unit = W
    octave:38> a.unit = 'W'
    a =
      scalar structure containing the fields:
        value = 100
        unit = W
    octave:39> b.value = 3
    b =
      scalar structure containing the fields:
        value = 3
        unit = s
    octave:40> b.unit = 's'
    b =
      scalar structure containing the fields:
        value = 3
        unit = s
    octave:41> a*b
    error: binary operator '*' not implemented for 'scalar struct' by 'scalar struct' operations