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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • Another one bites the dust.

    I admit it, I once assumed Elon was a genius.
    (events happen)
    Okay, not a genius, but a good businessman.
    (events happen)
    Okay, a bad businessman, a good PR person.
    (events happen)
    Okay, a bad PR person, but not a Nazi.
    (events happen)
    Well fuck, he’s a Nazi supporting conspiracy theorist.

    God damn, if I was that wrong about one person. I’m just gonna stop having opinions about famous people. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

  • Wow, insane. I’m currently reading “There Are No Electrons” written by a member of the Amdahl family. In the opening pages he talks about his siblings and ascendents and talks briefly about Amdahl corp then in the opening to this article this engineer got their start at Amdahl.

    Fun coincidence I wanted to share. If you want to read a book about science that sets aside reverence for science and reads more like a Sunday comic, check out the book I mentioned. Especially fun if you’re trained in electronics, tho the author specifically states the book is NOT for those trained in science, haha.

  • And the weapon is ideas? If a society has to shield itself from ideas to prevent revolt, then perhaps that society has bigger problems. Patching the hole as a united bipartisan front, when the ONLY things that receives united bipartisan support is corporate interests, kinda gives their hand away. They’re doing this as a desperation move to prevent societal erosion and more importantly, loss of power in media. I think it’s too late.

    Seems like an upheaval, electorally or otherwise, is at hand and this is a desperation move. I don’t expect the patching to prevent the rain, but who knows.

    My interpretation, open to being wrong.

  • A reporter asked a very very long question in a press conference 2-3 years ago. It has become a quaint F1 copypasta due to this. The author took that quote and replaced all of the Formula 1 references with Linux references.

    It’s obscure as hell but funny to encounter as a fan of both.

    I am pretty sure the long question is used in Netflix’s Drive to Survive series in one of the seasons with Sebastien Vettel. Good show even for a non-F1 fan, but I admit I am biased.