There’s going to be some cool studios coming in the next 5 years
I’m a computer janitor that sometimes streams trying to learn dev https://www.twitch.tv/destide
There’s going to be some cool studios coming in the next 5 years
Pot kettle black
I didn’t want to start a war?! Those Alpine users pinch really hard.
The ones that get the most imaginary points
Ali-gang unite!
Off to hang out with Brum in the Beaulieu Motor Museum then
It was a UK driver, and even a foreign policy would only be valid for a vehicle that meets UK registration and roadworthy standards.
Our road laws are like a chain so they’re also on the hook for driving without insurance, No Tax, no MOT, Violation of customs and duties, and I’m not a lawyer but whoever is might have a nice pay day
Yet another Booo dog. Much better breweries from traditional to the likes of Northern Monk.
Better to go for small businesses that way it keeps the rich peaps from losing money. Captilism where everyone not you, everyone has a chance
You have to remember older people grew up with computers that are pretty similar to how most of us use Linux. Mint, bluefin would be my choices for someone with lower tech experience.
It was written in rust
Pretty sure any one using YAST is confused right now
Why isn’t the lady who’s been training all her life to fight monsters in my grounded low fantasy game made to look like she comes from the place it is set, the same as my ones in Stellar Blade!?!?!
That’s not very nice UK is the only place Pizza Express operate
What a nice thing to do in this season of giving and nothing else, people say that altruistism is dead
Go on…
Now come on you can’t you say that she’s clearly gone through the same working experience as the young people she’s talking about . Like our recent tory candidate she prob had to do her work experience in Westminster, intern at Westminster, junior at Westminster,