Make the magnets strong enough and they won’t even need rockets :D
Make the magnets strong enough and they won’t even need rockets :D
HTML and Caddy.
Plexs movement away from selfhosters. Cloudberry is now MSP360, and I can’t tell what it actually does.
The author actually went back to a Synology NAS after one and a half year of using this server.
The post is five years old. A lot have changed in that time.
I’m not sure if I would call the post “very detailed”. An overview, at best.
You are right. I found the receipt in App Store. I bought it in 2022 at a 50% discount campaign. Sorry to get your hopes up.
I use 2Do on my iphone and like it. I’m pretty sure i haven’t paid for it. At least I can’t remember paying, and can’t find a receipt either in my mails nor the appstore.
Ah yes. The famous write-only backup solution :D
Take my upvote < Loving’ Spoonful >