Now you’re just insulting actual apes
I ran from Reddit, it be like that
Now you’re just insulting actual apes
VBox could be nice, but Oracle is on a licensing hunt for people who install the extension pack on potentially work-related systems. Technically it is free for personal use, but is like explicitly inviting the vampire into your home - nothing might happen, but you wouldn’t know until the moment you have 2 tiny holes in your neck.
I much prefer OnlyFans spam over Farage’s gurgling nonsense any time.
Of course. Rules for thee and not for me.
Well… dead people don’t sue.
I have seen some start a consultancy, sane job, better pay and strict agreements on presence. There’s probably also a whole heap of companies raking in real talent, motivated and eager to drive the former employer’s business into the ground.
You only have loopback addresses, that won’t work at all. Odd. Unless Ubuntu doesn’t use dhcp. You can try eg “sudo dhclient” or do a manual configuration in the range of your modem (eg ip, netmask /24 aka, gw, dns
Vivek is (y)our friend:
Is your IP address 169.254.x.y by any chance? That would mean you can actually “see” the network but have no usable address (169.254.x.y is APIPA, you could say a fallback basically when no dhcp is available). Try “ip addr” on the commandline or “ifconfig” for us oldtimers
You don’t even need a calculator for a quick calculation, take the closest value of 10: 3x7=21x37 or easier 20x40 = 800 which is close to the actual number, 777.
Tuchus? It is 5AM here and I already learned a new word, thank you kind internet stranger!
Ah yes, I expected as mich but was hoping for something more… intricate?
Nice write up! Though… the sound coning seemingly from someone’s … someone’s what exactly?
I am unsure, I feel like Google is watching me and selling my data to OP because I was only yesterday ogling a Thinkpad Yoga X1 precisely for this purpose.
Best way IMHO is copy all the files to another disk, double check and then format the partition into your favourite filesystem, and copy everything back. NTFS can be a bit of trouble.