Do you think this would pass the grandma test? If so I’m 100% going to host this (mainly for my mother, hence the question)
Do you think this would pass the grandma test? If so I’m 100% going to host this (mainly for my mother, hence the question)
Hard agree on this. Sell software and services to companies, only sell services to end users. I believe both selling your service as a dev and selling a service behind a free app are compatible with copyleft.
“This is completle free to use, download, modify, redistribute, etc by anyone except Dave. Fuck Dave.”
I don’t know how legal that’d be, but i wouldn’t even complain.
That’s pretty much the only reasonable explanation at this point. If they were afraid of people finding errors it would be beneficial to allow more players to see what’s the program doing. Riot basically confirming they just want to run spyware on SpywareOS.
“Marked as duplicate”
Google is an advertising company first, everything else second. Of course they shouldn’t be trusted, it’s safe to assume they’ll log and analyze the smallest piece of data