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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I mean I have debilitating social anxiety and spend a lot of energy every day trying to keep put of people’s way and not inconvenience them.

    Literally the only reason I was able to force myself to go to protests like these is because of how much I care about the environment, like anyone with any sort of morals whatsoever should as well. Its also why I go to protests that do things “the right way” that don’t get mentioned on the news at all, have no effect on anyone and are completely ignored by absolutely everyone and I also do as much as I can to reduce my own impact despite how small a drop in the ocean it is comparatively. I never drive even when I lived in the middle of nowhere and had a cycle 3 miles to a bus stop to get into the city to do my job, I eat almost no meat, invest my savings into green energy and worked to become the head of the ecological advisory committee at my work.

    And yes, I know plenty about the people I’m disrupting from my copius interactions with them, like how even times where we shut down a minor road for 5 minutes at a time, and where you can easily detour around it, people will act like you’ve just nurdered their first born infront of them, and will stubbornly sit their in traffic and scream at you to move, even after telling them can go down another road if they are actually in a hurry.

    And I know people will literally pull out infront of an ambulance to block it from going down the lane we cleared for emergency vehicles and them blame their actions on us. And I know a lot of those pepper genuinely think fighting someone or running them over is an appropriate response to being mildly inconvenienced for 5 minutes.

    And I know none of the people that scream and shout, have ever done anything to help the cause. They will say “I used to support you until this” but when asked what they actually DID to support us, they always draw a blank or say some childish bullshit like “well I did recycle but now I’m going to stop just to spite you”

    Like if you take a step back and look at the big picture and what you’re arguing. That we should just take the impending climate crisis lying down if the alternate is some gamers having their convention disrupted for 2 minutes. You’ll see how fucking absurd and narcissistic you sound.

  • Oh no, how will we ever cope without the support of spiteful dickheads who weren’t doing a single fucking thing to help in the first place.

    Peoe like you don’t understand the point of these protests. It’s not about winning you lot over, because nothing was ever going to do that. We have been protesting “the right way” for decades and people like you just stuck your head in the sand and ignored the problem to focus on your own convenience. And now we’re royally fucked. So all we can do now is get in pepples way, disrupt their lives so they are forced to pay some kind of attention.

    When people like you say you disaprove of these protests, what you really mean is you want to be able to go back to ignoring the problem.