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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023

  • What is a good alt for cloudflare here tbh?

    I’ve done wire guard, and tor service to obfuscate the network, and crowdsec for a good external firewall, and linkerd gateway to actual services (and keycloak for sso).

    Besides adding gotelaport for more fine grained access, idk what else you could do, but even then idk if its still competitive as someone else’s network taking your ddos loads lol

  • Win 7 was cool to tinker with but buggy as hell to the point Ubuntu was just as much work as the time but with even more possibility.

    8 was so bad it was worth skipping.

    10 was the peak of it just works for windows. Gone were the days of troubleshooting triple AAA games on my PC, they worked or needed patched by the devs.

    That said if I NEEDED something to work choosing windows 10 or server was an exercise is maschocism. Need this container? Unsupported. Need this service configured like this? Gfl finding where that is set. Need HA? Just Ha. Certain network configs beyond basic client? The guys with decades of Windows admin exp still have no idea.

    I had to troubleshoot both but windows gives you the nice feeling of being able to say “this sucks they should fix that” because I know ain’t. Its not built for me to fix it either. Linux however begs you too. Its all there, you can do anything, even you might not really want to.

  • Maybe you see your game as spiritual successor to a previous game and want to honor player previous progress or achievements in the previous game.

    Maybe you accept third party assets and need some market for those assets, and NFTs can represent a legally binding proof of ownership of that asset.

    Maybe you want keep your live service relevent by having your assets transferable among a larger ecosystem of games.

    It is very much like the steam market place but unlike steam items you do actually own it, steam can’t legally shut down your account or block you from transferring that ownership after the fact.

    But yeah its just a tool no idea what all game makers will want to do with it.

  • The big thing I’ve seen for gaming is the idea that you can have tokens not tied to a specific game. Like maybe an achievement gotten in resident evil unlocks a cool skin dead by daylight.

    Or you could implement something like Sword Art Onlines’s item/skills system where they attached to a user and not a server, and servers can choose which ones to implement in their version of the game.

    Of course its also possible it could be sold second hand, so maybe you think the Christmas skin of a popular character is stupid and will never wear it, but someone else just missed the event. You could sell/gift it to them, because the entitlement is yours to do whatever you want with it. Maybe you just hate the hell out it so much you offer a ton of cash just lock them all up. Idk this part of it just not my jam tbh

  • Monolithic kernels were a mistake /s

    But honestly its too bad that adopting new technology is so difficult in large projects like the Linux kernel where arguably trying to replicate the success of Linux AND adopt new technology sounds extremely burdensome.

    Worse I fear the lose of the libre ethos in new projects as they feel the need to bend that ethical barrier more in order to better “compete” with Linux.

  • I will say Windows is decent for the niche its in. Larger scales, severs, mutlitenet, high security, kiosk, etc its not good.

    I’m so glad its not my job. Running 1000s of nodes and an exponential amount more of services on those in hardened configs, across clouds, dcs, and availability zones are all easier than most ad forests I’ve seen.

    Any windows work I do is just an exercise of how fast can I get to Linux again 😆😅, but I knew Windows admins that had it figured out.

  • I in general very much support requiring paying for support. I.e. SLAs with consequences for not meeting targets support.

    At least for software/hardware running things that can’t afford indefinite unauthorized access or downtime if left in a vulnerable state. (Some stuff actually can IMHO be like that).

    I also think governments should have justify renting software insteading buying it if the money is intended to be an investment of any kind.