• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • What’s being green got to do with being left wing?

    This is really the problem with left/right, you can be green and Tory or Labour. Green has little to do with supporting workers rights or supporting the church and monarchy.

    [Edit] To clarify, being against building and preferring green spaces is a green position and also a driver for NIMBYs.

    Tories get played as fools by their own party constantly, the little old dears in church voting Tory aren’t supporting them because they keep moving more fash.

  • You did fully read that article you linked?

    It states that repeatedly during the leadership contest when asked he stated that he would vote to leave.

    After winning:

    “Labour is clear that we should remain in the EU. But we too want to see reform,” he wrote in the Financial Times.

    NOT “I believe we should remain in the EU”.

    He has also stressed he is “not on the same side of the argument” as David Cameron, despite both leaders backing continued EU membership.

    Because Labour wasn’t in power. It needs that meme:

    You support remain because you want unfettered access to Free Market Economics

    I support remain because it ties Tory hands together on workers rights

    We are not the same.

  • Corbyn wasn’t pro-Brexit

    Your entire argument is built with lies and more lies.



    Like them, Corbyn favored quitting the EEC in 1975, telling journalists on the eve of his election as leader 20 years later: “'I did vote and I voted ‘No.’”

    And it wouldn’t be a one-off. As an MP he voted against the Maastricht Treaty that created the European Union in 1993, against the Lisbon Treaty that forms the current constitutional basis of the EU in 2008, and for a referendum on British membership of the EU as far back as 2011

    You must be 14, and not know any history. He was vocally anti-EU/pro-Brexit in all its forms for decades until he was leader and had enough pressure from the party that he basically said nothing.

    He was never pro-EU because

    Corbyn (along with myself and many others on the left) opposed it because we saw the EEC as a capitalist club

    • Francis Beckett

  • Okay, but now you are arguing a completely different point to the one I was making. I am not against immigration, so you don’t need to convince me.

    When nativists use this argument, it’s usually shit-stirrers deliberately trying to pit people against each other.

    I would disagree, not everyone is as well read as yourself and there will be some folks that will be already swayed by that argument in to thinking that immigration can suppress wages. If so, then there will logically be some people who have fallen for this, and legitimately believe that immigration has a negative side effect with regards to employment without it being because they have dark skin.

    If you shut down the conversation as “that’s what racists would say”, then you prevent the entire rest of your comment from being communicated and helping them understand that they are wrong.

    You spend a lot of time trying to convince me that migration is not a net bad, rather than trying to argue why its beneficial to shut down any ignorant “legitimate concerns” as “sounds like Hitler”.

  • And?

    Its not entirely clear, but I think you are agreeing with me.

    Just because they are wrong, doesn’t mean that people can’t have an opinion regarding immigration that isn’t based on racism which is what I read in your comment.

    The grandparent post is the typical idiot who shuts down every conversation with “but racism”, which prevents any education on the matter. When you have complete fucking bellends who do that then those people who held positions that could have been reasoned with will get angrier at their perceived injustice. Good luck working with them at that point.

  • I’m sorry, but you are completely wrong to think that it is only right wing racists that want strong controls on immigration.

    The Unions are directly concerned as it removes a bargaining chip they have with companies over unskilled labour. The power of the union breaks down when there is basically unfettered access to larger pools of people who don’t know their employment rights as they aren’t from the UK.

    A large cohort in the labour party might be racist ex-coal miners who are the butt of a joke in Phoenix Nights, but just as many are involved in labour relations and see unskilled immigration as an effort of suppress wages.

    There is a reason that Corbyn was pro-Brexit, and its not because he hates foreigners.