• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020

  • Is it me or is source forge just the mark of dead things.

    I always avoid that place. It feels like where you go to get broken stuff.

    They’re gonna take me out back and shoot me for saying it but Launchpad too. Like I’m glad it works for you but it feels like when Debian had a website in 2015 that looked like 1997. How are we going to attract new talent when the rift between the average developers and the old guard widens over time. All the git VCS modernization supercharged development. Like bugzilla was “fine”, but " fine" was the problem in a world of better when you couldn’t even upload a > 250kb jpeg and other legacy hold us back stuff.

  • So they’re going to ask the TV manufacturers to install the ban on your privately owned device? 😂😂😂

    Yeah nobody could have seen this coming when they made TVs have a operating system 🤣🤣🤣

    Join with the rest of us in refusing to buy Spy Daddy TVs.

    Boycott HDMI as well. It’s not just a Video and Audio cable, it had communication & internet sharing as well, and it’s Absolutely Proprietary.

    Why does a monitor need a secret internet connection piggybacked over video? It doesn’t.

  • I was incorrect about the aspect ratio it’s 3:2 not 16:9 and I think 3:2 is fine especially at 2160x1440p.

    Still with the dialogs on the left and right anything except minimal would make the drawing area small taking the left and right.

    I did notice it on sale, maybe if you have humble expectations it would be okay for sketching, but if you are used to better quality things or larger draw surfaces you might not be easily impressed.

  • Assume I’m an amature and bad at this ;P

    In any case you might try a docker-compose.yml

    version: "3.8"
    # Compose file build variables set in .env
        platform: linux/amd64
          context: ./build
            WEBUI_TAG: ${WEBUI_TAG:-}
            IMAGE_BASE: ${IMAGE_BASE:-ghcr.io/ai-dock/python:${PYTHON_VERSION:-3.10}-cuda-11.8.0-base-22.04}
            - "ghcr.io/ai-dock/stable-diffusion-webui:${IMAGE_TAG:-cuda-11.8.0-base-22.04}"
        image: ghcr.io/ai-dock/stable-diffusion-webui:${IMAGE_TAG:-cuda-11.8.0-base-22.04}
          - "/dev/dri:/dev/dri"
          # For AMD GPU
          #- "/dev/kfd:/dev/kfd"
          # Workspace
          - ./workspace:${WORKSPACE:-/workspace/}:rshared
          # You can share /workspace/storage with other non-WEBUI containers. See README
          #- /path/to/common_storage:${WORKSPACE:-/workspace/}storage/:rshared
          # Will echo to root-owned authorized_keys file;
          # Avoids changing local file owner
          - ./config/authorized_keys:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys_mount
          - ./config/provisioning/default.sh:/opt/ai-dock/bin/provisioning.sh
            # SSH available on host machine port 2222 to avoid conflict. Change to suit
            - ${SSH_PORT_HOST:-2222}:${SSH_PORT_LOCAL:-22}
            # Caddy port for service portal
            # WEBUI web interface
            - ${WEBUI_PORT_HOST:-7860}:${WEBUI_PORT_HOST:-7860}
            # Jupyter server
            - ${JUPYTER_PORT_HOST:-8888}:${JUPYTER_PORT_HOST:-8888}
            # Syncthing
            - ${SYNCTHING_UI_PORT_HOST:-8384}:${SYNCTHING_UI_PORT_HOST:-8384}
            # Don't enclose values in quotes
            - WORKSPACE=${WORKSPACE:-/workspace}
            - WORKSPACE_SYNC=${WORKSPACE_SYNC:-false}
            - CF_QUICK_TUNNELS=${CF_QUICK_TUNNELS:-true}
            - WEB_ENABLE_AUTH=${WEB_ENABLE_AUTH:-true}
            - WEB_USER=${WEB_USER:-user}
            - WEB_PASSWORD=${WEB_PASSWORD:-password}
            - SSH_PORT_HOST=${SSH_PORT_HOST:-2222}
            - SSH_PORT_LOCAL=${SSH_PORT_LOCAL:-22}
            - WEBUI_BRANCH=${WEBUI_BRANCH:-}
            - WEBUI_FLAGS=${WEBUI_FLAGS:-}
            - WEBUI_PORT_HOST=${WEBUI_PORT_HOST:-7860}
            - WEBUI_PORT_LOCAL=${WEBUI_PORT_LOCAL:-17860}
            - WEBUI_URL=${WEBUI_URL:-}
            - JUPYTER_URL=${JUPYTER_URL:-}
            - SERVERLESS=${SERVERLESS:-false}


    sudo pacman -S docker
    sudo pacman -S docker-compose


    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49316462/how-to-update-existing-images-with-docker-compose
    sudo docker-compose pull
    sudo docker-compose up --force-recreate --build -d
    sudo docker image prune -f


    sudo docker-compose down --remove-orphans && sudo docker-compose up

  • (Similar to) tiling window managers typically having 6-10 workspaces

    I would like to be able to split Copy & Paste from 2 Actions into 20 Actions.

    I’m not sure exactly what key binding yet but something like Ctrl+C+1 to copy to Box 1 and Ctrl + V +1 to Paste from Box 1, rinse and repeat for numbers 2 through 10.

    Use case example, I want to login to a website but my login is in an email

    Ctrl+C+1 To copy to URL to clipboard box 1

    Ctrl+C+2 To copy the username

    Ctrl+C+3 To copy the password

    Open the browser

    Ctrl+V+1 Paste URL in location bar

    Ctrl+V+2 Paste username

    Ctrl+V+3 Paste password

    This allows me to complete the task without switching back and forth between windows 3 times. I still press copy and paste 6 times but don’t need to switch windows, and I still have 7 clipboard boxes left to copy & paste other important things in case I want to use the login again then I can simply Paste saving me finding the login or whatever else and copying it again to memory.

  • I saw the popularity on AUR several times and installed but couldn’t figure out why people use it.

    Their website cites GDPR or whatever and is honestly kindof meh.

    I was interested in the conversation layout, advanced email headers and recoloring things like folders but idk if they have that or not.

    Also I’ve always been annoyed that half the dialogs are integrated tabs and the compose email is a window that can’t be nested. I can’t remember if they fixed that or not.

    I wasn’t personally impressed by the logo, it reminded me of a 2000s Mozilla but maybe that was intended. It didn’t have enough distinguishment from other Mozilla products while communicating that it was for Email or related to Thunderbird. It honestly looks like a browser.
