yes, exhaust all of the the other troubleshooting advice that the others gave you in this post before going down this rabbit hole; i only suggested it because it worked for me the last time i used gentoo, in my example.
yes, exhaust all of the the other troubleshooting advice that the others gave you in this post before going down this rabbit hole; i only suggested it because it worked for me the last time i used gentoo, in my example.
it’s funny that you’re using gentoo and want to avoid recompiling since the last time i used gentoo was on a single core, first generation imac and it literally took me 3 days to compile the kernel along with the drivers that i needed to get the apple/ppc architecture to work correctly
it got so hot that i couldn’t even touch it for another day. lol
does your router have logs and are you able to see the authentication requests or connection attempts? (you could also try setting up another ap with the same bssid and settings to see if it also ignores that too).
without that and in your shoes; i would exactly duplicate the configuration and versions of your networking stack in your gentoo configuration; everything from the exact kernel version, to the module & firmware version; and onto the nmcli version and configuration. i would even compile the module along with the kernel if that’s what the live fedora was using.
i trust that the check for my consultation fee is in the mail? lol
in that case you’ll probably be fine and powershell will help you get that key; i think someone else shared the commands in this post.
if your windows is an oem license that came with the laptop; then it’s tied to the hardware and they probably won’t let you re-use it for your vm; but i remember seeing some claims online that they’ve figure out ways around it.
like others have said; the logs are your friends here; but you can also help narrow it down. the next time it happens, see if you can confirm how your system has frozen by doing these things:
if it’s well and truly frozen, nothing will happen when you tap the caps lock key; as in your key led won’t light up or you don’t get any response at all.
if it does light up; then it might be your xwindows environment and you might be able to switch to a virtual terminal. most distributions have setup alt+ctrl+f1 through f7 to let you switch to one of them and some distros have setup alt+ctrl+backspace to restart your xwindows. if you’re in this situation, then it’s a safe bet that an application is causing your problem and you can narrow your focus on the logs there.
it seemed like the innocent(ish) holy wars of the past like emacs vs vi; but it’s taken on a whole new destructive trajectory of its own and the old guard would rather see Linux ossify into irrelevancy rather than letting the next generation take over.
it reminds me of an old quote from a general to the effect of: if 5 americans survive a nuclear war and 4 russian survive; then we’ve won and it was worth it.
either that or it’s like the technological equivalent of the the democratic leadership w disaffected democratic voters leading to defeat in this last election or an elderly driver whose grown children are trying to take away their keys before things get worse; all are refusing to acknowledge the writing on the wall because they think they still got it, but they don’t.
It’s a chicken and the egg problem.
There needs to be enough market share for manufacturers to care; but then there need to be enough manufacturers to support for there to be enough support to allow the market share to exist.
Like Lemmy; the big guys like reddit and windows have to enshitify enough for people to realize that they’re getting screwed for them to seek an alternative. Like bluesky, many will try mac, but that too will enshitify eventually; so we have to be patient and ready for them to eventually join us.
the last time i was in your shoes, i bought from linux only shops. ie system76, tuxedo, kfocus, juno, novacustom, etc. and i had the exact opposite experience; it was as smooth as that of a mac owner, but on linux.
linux’s forte is stability, that’s why it’s so dominant in the server space. adding in support for end user hardware is an accident and requires extra effort on hardware makers’ part who don’t always rise to the challenge when they don’t believe it’s profitable enough for the effort; in which case, volunteers have to step in to fill the gap.
i never regretted any of those purchases.
in your shoes i would use a loop to iterate through journalctl’s up/down sessions getting the first and last lines of each and then use awk to printout the timestamps and sed to add in power state changes.
a system that comes with either core or libre boot is going to have hardware that’s intended to work with them; also meaning that the open sourced software that controls the power is an exact match, giving an improved life.
it’s not so much that core/libreboot are a determinant factor; but more so an indicator.
it’s well vs perfectly; ESPECIALLY when it comes to battery life.
i’ve been buying linux laptops for the last few years and the battery life between a dell or thinkpad vs system76 or tuxedo is significant thanks to core/libre boots. i’m looking forward to their risc-v offerings.
the hard/soft support alone makes linux smooth sailing, just like any mac (and the price tag is almost the same). i’ve been a linux user since 2002 and it’s nice having paid developers to fall back on who always know more than i do since it’s literally their job.
windows also has openssh now; so you don’t have to use putty anymore, unless you really like it somehow.
When did Manjaro release an image for x86 MacBooks ?
a long time ago; i used fedora on my macbook for almost 5 years, until it died
if you want to be a full greybeard, just tell them to rtfm instead of making it for them. lol
i’d image that you’d use other tools to do that and i ask because you’re not the first to extol 7z instead of the old tools that us greybeards of come accustomed to using over the last decades; i dont wanna be left behind to ossify. lol
i always envy people who can do formatting/styling well.
why 7z instead of tar with xz or gzip? is it better somehow?
There’s a strong chance he’d enjoy it; so maybe it’s best not to just to spite him. Lol
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