The uk isn’t like Texas where you get gunned down for trespassing or shoplifting, life and peace is valued over property. Please don’t try and export your capitalist obsession for property over people to the rest of the world.
The uk isn’t like Texas where you get gunned down for trespassing or shoplifting, life and peace is valued over property. Please don’t try and export your capitalist obsession for property over people to the rest of the world.
Yeah, when you actually look at a lot of protest movements lemmy blindly supports they’re deeply problematic in many ways, of course people want easy answers and glib heros so they’ll get mad if you try and demonstrate nuance.
We need good citizen protections, an extension of the laws used when providing aid that shield from liability, similar rules should exist to protect people who improve their local area.
It’s bad enough the council won’t do anything about the problems but evil they punish others for trying.
That song is a big meme in edgelord communities at the moment so yeah zero chance they didn’t know
They haven’t relinquished independence, you need to improve your anti America trolling this is just silly.
Just because you support a cause doesn’t mean you need to support every attention seeking brainrot idiot that uses the cause as an excuse to flaunt their stupidity.
These people are not helping the environment, they’re playing a silly game for attention without caring about the consequences.
You’re being silly tbh, Sweden is it’s own nation full of people with their own opinions, you can’t blame everything on America.
Sweden has its own complex reasons for making bad choices, they’re mot just sitting around hoping america tells them what to think.
Yet we had a big thread with everyone saying it was a conspiracy
Yeah, and people in general don’t like theives - sure they’re just stealing from the company you work for, they’re just stealing someone else’s bike, just stealing just stealing copper from a building sire, just stealing the play equipment in the park, just stealing an old ladies medication… it’s natural people resist this sort of rot, it’s almost hardwired into us.
I agree but the ai list isn’t very good tbh, your reading of it is worse - if you’re counting the thieves into 3 4 5 then excluding the staff is a weird choice.
Assume this is a state run distribution center and people take more than they’re allotted then sell them to people who now don’t have access to them, are you going to say those people have more right to the foods than those working in the store? Of course not.
I bet you’d get upset if someone pruned your trashy videogsme collection.
Is it really so hard just to let people enjoy what they enjoy without being a dick about it?
Yours is too, its posting a silly link at the bottom which makes you look like you’re a Facebook mom in 2003.
Dear Mark Zuckerberg
With this statement, I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute. NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the profile status updates. FACEBOOK DOES NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO SHARE PHOTOS OR MESSAGES.
Yeah though I have to admit I like it when people self censor because I imagine them like a cute Ned Flanders all flustered ‘well dang diddly h - e - double C!’
But yeah it’s nice that platform’s exist simply for people to express themselves rather than to serve as vehicles for advertising. I’ll say fuck to celebrate that!
I didn’t ache in the morning, hairline was better, skin smoother…
Every boomer comic is about old people saying life was better when they were young, or that they hate their wife.
Another wall to try and make it so only the rich corporations can make AI, what a shock.
This is what all the useful idiots bleating against ai have been working towards.