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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • As much as I wish we could rejoin or even that Brexit was just a bad dream…

    Not going to happen. Not for a generation. Why?

    • The EU would not accept the UK back in until there is strong and sustained political desire to re-enter. This alone would be your 20 years or 4 parliament terms.
    • The EU would probably want some concessions during the rejoining process including a commitment to adopting the Euro. That alone would be controversial.
    • We can still get most of the benefits of the EU without fully joining. For example, the customs union would allow for free trade and free movement.

  • We can gloat now, but I fear that the Tories will veer further right to get back into power.

    Every dimension of the world is heating up and everyone is getting desperate.

    The common folk are clawing for change and will grasp anything to take back some power. The elites are feeling the walls close in around them and will lash out at any perceived threat to their position.

    Once Labour win, we’ll have 5 years to prepare for worse times to come, 10 maximum. It’s not going to be pretty after that.

    I want off this fucking sinking island, before it pulls me under with it. But I fear there’s nowhere else to run to, no shelter to ride out the storm. Humanity has never faced the collapse of a global civilization before, and I feel a lot of us will see it happen before we depart this world.

  • Well that’s it. Once they get into power keep applying the pressure.

    That’s what the StopTheTories.vote group are planning to do with their agenda to get a form of proportional representation to replace FPTP once the Tories are out.

    The only other option is armed revolution and good luck rolling the dice on that in this country given how it’s gone previously (gestures to all of UK rebellion history) I’ll be out of the country for that one.

  • So the writer means Starmer pulled it from a fringe left unelectable mess of in-fighting (in a first-past-the-post system and Murdoch dominated press) to a left-of-centre party that’s trying to win over as many voters as possible to get a overwhelming majority in parliament.

    I don’t like how centrist the current form of the labour party is, but at least there’s a chance of them listening to us once in power.