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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • …The fuck were the Tories doing. Did they seriously just. NOT visit Dublin for five whole years?

    I mean, I guess that 2019 IS around about the point where the Tories had a little miniature communist-style purge of every competent, sensible politician in the party that wouldn’t kiss BJ’s ass and allow for a godawful Brexit deal to be shoved through against a changed public will and also common sense, so actually the five year failure to uphold basic obligations makes a lot of sense when taken in context with that particular timeframe…

  • Almost correct, but frankly we’re not even funding the military. We just have a bunch of leeches at the top who take money away from public services, give fat bonuses to their friends using contracts and/or telling government institutions that they MUST buy from only approved suppliers (the approved supplier is owned by their friend and sells things that they bought from regular suppliers and marked up by 1000%).

    Also the bastards pulled us out of the EU at Putin’s request, so we effectively do not have a future anymore. We have no realistic avenue to pursue profitable international trading, our science and research sector is hemorrhaging and direly underfunded, and frankly, we are out of meaningly natural resources to sell (although I know damn well our current government would not use the money gained from selling resources to set up a sustainable national income for the future).

  • I don’t think the immigrants are to blame. They make a really easy target for politicians to blame, but… I mean, we both saw Boris Johnson campaigning for his fucking life on ‘SAVE THE NHS SAVE THE NHS, JUST LET ME BAN ALL IMMIGRANTS AND RESTRICT HEALTHCARE SO I CAN SAVE THE NHS’ and then he didn’t give the NHS any money or support or investment, he just slipped a an absolutely fat bonus to all his tory friends and big businesses.

    We should have invested in ourselves, yes. Just, please don’t be fooled into thinking we invested into immigrants. ‘We’ (the Tories) invested into the offshore bank accounts of the 0.1%.

  • I mean, I was pretty young at the time, but good god even I can see how we’ve been obliterated by inflation. There’s a specific chocolate here in the UK, a tiny little one for children called Freddo the Frog. Just a little cartoon chocolate frog, nothing fancy.

    Their price has multiplied by a factor of TWENTY in the past 20 years. And I know pretty damn well that the amount everyone is getting paid has not increased by a factor of 20. Sure this is just a small irrelevant little chocolate bar and other things have inflated less, but like. It’s probably the easiest thing to notice.

    But yeah also playing in the street or taking a bike ride around town with your friends was a thing when I was a kid. Sure we were all probably a nuisance, but these days… I don’t think I’ve seen anyone playing outside in ten years. The places we’d ride bikes got bought up and removed. And even the idea of allowing children to play outside feels… socially unacceptable.

    Also early Youtube and Facebook were COMPLETELY different beasts that just didn’t have the millions of hours of design work put into them to suck people in and keep them there. Oh, and flash games were a really big thing too if you wanted to play on the computer. They were amazing. And big-name games were in a really good spot, paid DLC and the pay-to-win blight hadn’t really started, and stuff like World of Warcraft, LAN Halo, and other games you could play over at a friend’s house were at their peaks from a social point of view.

    …I know nostalgia is a trap, but god, it really isn’t hard to think of things to be nostalgic for from that time, and I was only born in the very late 90s. At least I’ve got plenty of friends online these days though.