Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • This is a very, very bad idea.

    SSDs are permanent flash storage, yes, but that doesn’t mean you can leave them unpowered for extended periods of time.

    Without a refresh, electrons can and do leak out of the charge traps that store the ones and zeroes. Depending on the exact NAND used, the data could start going corrupt within a year or so.

    HDDs suffer the same problem, though less so. They can go several years, possibly a decade, but you’d still be risking the data on the drive but letting it sit unpowered for an extended time.

    For the “cold storage” approach you should really be using something that’s designed to retain data in such conditions, like optical media, or tape drives.

  • Bottles is really just a really nice UI for managing wine/proton. If you already know what you want/need to run something, it’s a breeze to set up in bottles. And even if you don’t, trying the various tricks that exist to get something running is made easy.

    I can’t say the same for lutris. It can do all the same things and even more, I just don’t like the UI/UX, at all. It can do tons, but IMO it’s not the best tool for any of it.

    On bottles, the more you actually understand about how wine/proton can be configured, the more sense bottles will make.

  • That’s not really how the comments on alternativeto work. They are relative.

    If you got to spotifys page, it will list similar services, each with their own comments, and the comments under youtube music, for example, will be about how it compares to spotify.

    So, to leave useful comments, you only have to know how a given piece of software compares to what you used before. You don’t comment on how a given thing compares to everything else, only to one thing at a time.

    Then, as other people browse the alternatives, they can use those individual comparisons to navigate their way to what they need. Stuff like “this can’t replace that for this use-case, because reason, but it does this other stuff” is extremely useful when looking for something that does what you’re looking for.

  • Bloated, as in large and heavy. More expensive, more power hungry, less efficient.

    I already brought it up. They can’t deal with something completely new.

    When you discuss what you want with a human artist or programmer or whatever, there is a back and forth process where both parties explain and ask until comprehension is achieved, and this improves the result. The creativity on display is the kind that can unfold and realize a complex idea based on simple explanations even when it is completely novel.

    It doesn’t matter if the programmer has played games with regenerating health before, one can comprehend and implement the concept based on just a couple sentences.

    Now how would you do the same with a “general” model that didn’t have any games that work like that in the training data?

    My point is that “general” models aren’t a thing. Not really. We can make models that are really, really big, but they remain very bad at filling in gaps in reality that weren’t in the training data. They don’t start magically putting two and two together and comprehending all the rest.

  • You are completely missing what I’m saying.

    I know the input doesn’t alter the model, that’s not what I mean.

    And “general” models are only “general” in the sense that they are massively bloated and still crap at dealing with shit that they weren’t trained on.

    And no, “comprehending” new concepts by palette swapping something and smashing two existing things together isn’t the kind of creativity I’m saying these systems are incapable of.