Just some Internet guy

He/him/them 🏳️‍🌈

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Make sure to use machinectl and not sudo or anything else. That’s about the symptoms I’d expect from an incomplete session setup. The use of machinectl there was very deliberate, as it goes through all the PAM, logind, systemd and D-Bus stuff as any normal login. It gets you a clean and properly registered session, and also gets rid of anything tied to your regular user:

    max-p@desktop ~> loginctl list-sessions
          2 1000 max-p seat0 3088   user    tty2  no   -    
          3 1000 max-p -     3112   manager -     no   -    
          8 1001 tv    -     589069 user    pts/4 no   -    
          9 1001 tv    -     589073 manager -     no   -    

    It basically gets you to a state of having properly logged into the system, as if you logged in from SDDM or in a virtual console. From there, if you actually had just logged in a tty as that user, you could run startplasma-wayland and end up in just as if you had logged in with SDDM, that’s what SDDM eventually launches after logging you in, as per the session file:

    max-p@desktop ~> cat /usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop 
    [Desktop Entry]
    Exec=/usr/lib/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland
    Name=Plasma (Wayland)
    # ... and translations in every languages

    From there we need one last trick, it’s to get KWin to start nested. That’s what the additional WAYLAND_DISPLAY=/run/user/1000/wayland-0 before is supposed to do. Make sure that this one is ran within the machinectl shell, as that shell and only that shell is the session leader.

    The possible gotcha I see with this, is if startplasma-wayland doesn’t replace that WAYLAND_DISPLAY environment variable with KWin’s, so all the applications from that session ends up using the main user. You can confirm this particular edge case by logging in with the secondary user on a tty, and running the same command including the WAYLAND_DISPLAY part of it. If it starts and all the windows pop up on your primary user’s session, that’s the problem. If it doesn’t, then you have incorrect session setup and stuff from your primary user bled in.

    Like, that part is really important, by using machinectl the process tree for the secondary user starts from PID 1:

    max-p@desktop ~> pstree
            ├─bash─┬─(sd-pam)                 # <--- This is the process machinectl spawned
            │      └─fish───zsh───fish───zsh  # <-- Here I launched a bunch of shells to verify it's my machinectl shell
            ├─systemd─┬─(sd-pam) # <-- And that's my regular user
            │         ├─Discord─┬─Discord───Discord───46*[{Discord}]
            │         ├─DiscoverNotifie───9*[{DiscoverNotifie}]
            │         ├─cool-retro-term─┬─fish───btop───{btop}
            │         ├─dbus-broker-lau───dbus-broker
            │         ├─dconf-service───3*[{dconf-service}]
            │         ├─easyeffects───11*[{easyeffects}]
            │         ├─firefox─┬─3*[Isolated Web Co───30*[{Isolated Web Co}]]

    Super weird stuff happens otherwise that I can’t explain other than some systemd PAM voodoo happens. There’s a lot of things that happens when you log in, for example giving your user access to keyboard, mouse and GPU, and the type of session depends on the point of entry. Obviously if you log in over SSH you don’t get the keyboard assigned to you. When you switch TTY, systemd-logind also moves access to peripherals such that user A can’t keylog user B while A’s session is in the background. Make sure the machinectl session is also the only session opened for the secondary user, as it being assigned to a TTY session could also potentially interfere.

    what distro/plasma version are you running? (here it’s opensuse slowroll w/ plasma 6.1.4)

    Arch, Plasma 6.1.5.

    what happens if you just run startplasma-wayland from a terminal as your user? (I see the plasma splash screen and then I’m back to my old session)

    You mean a tty or a terminal emulator like Konsole?

    • In a tty
      • if I’m already logged in it should switch to the current session as multi-instance is not supported
      • if it’s my only graphical session, it should start Plasma normally with the only exception being KWallet not unlocking automatically.
    • In a terminal within my graphical session: nothing at all.

  • Totally possible. It’ll work best with Wayland thanks to nested compositor support, whereas on Xorg you’d need to use Xephyr which doesn’t do hardware acceleration.

    # Give the other user access to your Wayland socket
    setfacl -m u:otheruser:rx $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
    setfacl -m u:otheruser:rwx $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/wayland-0
    # Open a session as the other user (note the trailing @, it's there to login in to the local machine)
    sudo machinectl login otheruser@
    # Start your DE!
    WAYLAND_DISPLAY=/run/user/$(id -u yourmainuser)/wayland-0 startplasma-wayland

    And tada! Nested Wayland session

  • I would use maybe a Raspberry Pi or old laptop with two drives (preferably different brands/age, HDD or SSD doesn’t really matter) in it using a checksumming filesystem like btrfs or ZFS so that you can do regular scrubs to verify data integrity.

    Then, from that device, pull the data from your main system as needed (that way, the main system has no way of breaking into the backup device so won’t be affected by ransomware), and once it’s done, shut it off or even unplug it completely and store it securely, preferably in a metal box to avoid any magnetic fields from interfering with the drives. Plug it in and boot it up every now and then to perform a scrub to validate that the data is all still intact and repair the data as necessary and resilver a drive if one of them fails.

    The unfortunate reality is most storage mediums will eventually fade out, so the best way to deal with that is an active system that can check data integrity and correct the files, and rewrite all the data once in a while to make sure the data is fresh and strong.

    If you’re really serious about that data, I would opt for both an HDD and an SSD, and have two of those systems at different locations. That way, if something shakes up the HDD and damages the platter, the SSD is probably fine, and if it’s forgotten for a while maybe the SSD’s memory cells will have faded but not the HDD. The strength is in the diversity of the mediums. Maybe burn a Blu-Ray as well just in case, it’ll fade too but hopefully differently than an SSD or an HDD. The more copies, even partial copies, the more likely you can recover the entirety of the data, and you have the checksums to validate which blocks from which medium is correct. (Fun fact, people have been archiving LaserDiscs and repairing them by ripping the same movie from multiple identical discs, as they’re unlikely to fade at exactly the same spots at the same time, so you can merge them all together and cross-reference them and usually get a near perfect rip of it).

  • No but it does show how much capitalism relies on the absolute exploitation of the labor market and the double-standards from the US in that regard. Free market good but only when US companies are the ones fucking everyone over.

    • US companies buying cheap stuff from China and marking it up 500%: good, American values
    • China cuts the middleman and sells the same product for the same price they would sell it to the reseller: noooooo we can’t compete with that, China bad, it’s so unfair! Waaaaaaa

    At least the EU doesn’t constantly brag about muh freedom and how the free market is the best thing ever and you’re a commie if you don’t agree that capitalism is the best.

  • I believe you, but I also very much believe that there are security vendors out there demonizing LE and free stuff in general. The more expensive equals better more serious thinking is unfortunately still quite present, especially in big corps. Big corps also seem to like the concept of having to prove yourself with a high price of entry, they just can’t believe a tiny company could possibly have a better product.

    That doesn’t make it any less ridiculous, but I believe it. I’ve definitely heard my share of “we must use $sketchyVendor because $dubiousReason”. I’ve had to install ClamAV on readonly diskless VMs at work because otherwise customers refuse to sign because “we have no security systems”. Everything has to be TLS encrypted, even if it goes to localhost. Box checkers vs common sense.

  • Neither does Google Trust Services or DigiCert. They’re all HTTP validation on Cloudflare and we have Fortune 100 companies served with LetsEncrypt certs.

    I haven’t seen an EV cert in years, browsers stopped caring ages ago. It’s all been domain validated.

    LetsEncrypt publicly logs which IP requested a certificate, that’s a lot more than what regular CAs do.

    I guess one more to the pile of why everyone hates Zscaler.

  • That’s more of a general DevOps/server admin steep learning curve than Vaultwarden’s there, to be fair.

    It looks a bit complicated at first as Docker isn’t a trivial abstraction, but it’s well worth it once it’s all set up and going. Each container is always the same, and always independent. Vaultwarden per-se isn’t too bad to run without a container, but the same Docker setup can be used for say, Jitsi which is an absolute mess of components to install and make work, some Java stuff, and all. But with Docker? Just docker compose up -d, wait a minute or two and it’s good to go, just need to point your reverse proxy to it.

    Why do you need a reverse proxy? Because it’s a centralized location where everything comes in, and instead of having 10 different apps with their own certificates and ports, you have one proxy, one port, and a handful of certificates all managed together so you don’t have to figure out how to make all those apps play together nicely. Caddy is fine, you don’t need NGINX if you use Caddy. There’s also Traefik which lands in between Caddy and NGINX in ease of use. There’s also HAproxy. They all do the same fundamental thing: traffic comes in as HTTPS, it gets the Host header from the request and sends it to the right container as plain HTTP. Well it doesn’t have to work that way specifically but that’s the most common use case in self hosted.

    As for your backups, if you used a Docker compose file, the volume data should be in the same directory. But it’s probably using some sort of database so you might want to look into how to do periodic data exports instead, as databases don’t like to be backed up live since the file is always being updated so you can’t really get a proper snapshot of it in one go.

    But yeah, try to think of it as an infrastructure investment that makes deploying more apps in the future a breeze. Want to add a NextCloud? Add another docker compose file and start it, Caddy picks it up automagically and boom, it’s live and good to go!

    Moving services to a new server is also pretty easy as well. Copy over your configs and composes, and volumes if applicable. Start them all, and they should all get back exactly in the same state as they were on the other box. No services to install and configure, no repos to add, no distro to maintain. All built into the container by someone else so you don’t have to worry about any of it. Each update of the app will bring with it the whole matching updated OS with the right packages in the right versions.

    As a DevOps engineer we love the whole thing because I can have a Kubernetes cluster running on a whole rack and be like “here’s the apps I want you to run” and it just figures itself out, automatically balances the load, if a server goes down the containers respawn on another one and keeps going as if nothing happened. We don’t have to manually log into any of those servers to install services to run an app. More upfront work for minimal work afterwards.

  • IMO the biggest attack vector there would be a Minecraft exploit like log4j, so the most important part to me would make sure the game server is properly sandboxed just in case. Start from a point of view of, the attacker breached Minecraft and has shell access to that user. What can they do from there? Ideally, nothing useful other than maybe running a crypto miner. Don’t reuse passwords obviously.

    With systemd, I’d use the various Protect* directives like ProtectHome, ProtectSystem=full, or failing that, a container (Docker, Podman, LXC, manually, there’s options). Just a bare Alpine container with Java would be pretty ideal, as you can’t exploit sudo or some other SUID binaries if they don’t exist in the first place.

    That said the WireGuard solution is ideal because it limits potential attackers to people you handed a key, so at least you’d know who breached you.

    I’ve fogotten Minecraft servers online and really nothing happened whatsoever.

  • Titus is fairly trustable (he’s made a few videos on the dangers of custom Windows ISOs like AtlasOS) but the thing is written in good chunks with AI assisted development and it’s also the dude’s Rust learning experience as well, so the code is not great. Parts of it are meant to run under ArchISO to install Arch (another sin, an automatic Arch installer) so it makes sense to want to just one-liner download and run the prebuilt binary.

    I wouldn’t use it personally but his audience is for it. It targets quick and easy, not proper and secure. It’s mostly meant to easily install and clone his setup, it’s too early in development to really be that useful for everyone.

    On the winutil side he also does the | iex PowerShell sin, but the toolbox do be really useful to debloat a Windows install.

  • I’ve read some posts about editing fstab to mount them at startup, but they don’t cover whether the drives will be available to other users or not. Can I just add them to fstab and mount them somewhere that’s available to all users, then sort out the permissions? If so, where’s the best place to put them?

    Yes pretty much. It just explicitly tells the system where to mount it, and for some filesystems you can even force the UID/GID and modes.

    Usually /mnt/whatever for static mounts and /media/whatever for removable mounts (those appear as drives in file managers, whereas /mnt doesn’t). You can set the users option in fstab and it’ll let users mount and unmount it without sudo as well, or auto to always mount it on boot.

    From there usually you can make a shared group, chown the mount to root:thatgroup, then chmod g+s to make sure the group is inherited. And you should mostly be good to go.

  • The developer benefits from reaching more people, some of whom are likely to purchase the proprietary license. Or sometimes you dual-license just so that licenses are compatible. Each license has pros and cons for both the developers and the users.

    Qt for example, the LGPL means you need to dynamically link to it, and if you ship your own Qt libraries you must provide the source code for it. But if you’re a company that writes proprietary software and can’t dynamically link, then you can purchase the proprietary license which allows you to do a lot more, but you’re compensating the devs for it. And for the Qt devs that’s good because either you pay them, or you use it for free but must share your changes with everyone.

    For ElasticSearch, that makes it so Amazon can’t just patch it up and sell the modified version without sharing what they changed. They wanted to add back a FOSS license to stop the bleed to OpenSearch which many in the FOSS community switched to purely for the license because even separate software should be compatible license-wise if you want a sustainable FOSS project. But the AGPL requires sources merely for being able to talk to it over the network, so Elastic gets the free dev work, or the juicy license payments. The other free licenses achieve similar goals with technical differences that might matter for the user. But as a developer using ElasticSearch maybe you do want to ship your software under the SSPL, so you can pick the SSPL version.

    Dual-licensing MIT/GPL for example, you can build proprietary software, or GPL software where you can vendor it in as GPL-only as well, and thus guarantee your user their GPL rights.