• 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • I prefer a minimal install of Debian personally. Someone should make a rolling release apt-based/debian-based distro and I’d hop right on it. Technically Kali is one and I do daily drive that, but it’s not something I can really recommend to people as a general use distro.

    Anyway if you want something more tangibly different (and difficult to install) try running OpenBSD :)

  • When I’m in a “don’t comprehend nuance” competition and my opponent is the average Trekkie. Bet you like discovery!

    We’re done here.

    Woah there we got a tough guy on the internet.

    I don’t want to talk to someone who thinks leaving people to die needlessly in ambulances is a good thing.

    And is this someone in the here with us right now?

    Because you made up a strawman in your head. I never said it is a good thing to leave people to die in ambulances needlessly.

    But all the most effective protests and riots in history have had their casualties, and yet brought us the quality of life we enjoy today. That’s not fee-fees, that’s historical fact.

    There’s no need to get so worked up and upset that you must twist my words to make them easier to attack.

    People being charged for crimes they’ve committed isn’t fascism.

    Yeah if you strip away all context from an action nothing can be anything. The anti-protest law isn’t fascistic either, it’s just a bill to keep the peace.

    The mother of the person who was jailed said it was wrong as it meant her son wouldn’t be able to attend a wedding in America, which was retweeted by JSO.

    Yeah I’ll agree with you there. I don’t defend those cringelords as individuals, most anprims and other climatoids are absolute morons beyond all help.

    Okay, now we’re actually done :)

  • That’s not how courts work, and it’s not how laws work. It shouldn’t be done based on feels.

    Fee-fees != Morality, context, nuance

    They explicitly said they would rather people in ambulances die than let them through. Do you agree with that?

    It’s a shitty situation. They are not being listened to, what are they supposed to do? Idk I’m not them I can’t unpack all that, but somehow I doubt they have genuine contempt for random people in ambulances.

    Killing people is fine?

    Depends. In self-defense? Yeah, absolutely. Are they Nazis? Yeah go for it man. Landlords? Geez wait for me! Oil execs? Wait wait, slow down, let me grab my S&W.

    You can’t just say “no the law shouldn’t apply to you because I like you”. That sounds like the way some fascist shithole would be run.

    Well we are in a fascist shithole and it’s not run like that so checkmate redditor.

    The problem is that when you let only bad guys use hypocrisy, they win.

  • erroneously equating


    emotional response

    And where did I mention emotional responses?

    The world is in the state it is in not because some evil person decided to be evil one day but because of a natural development of the human condition.

    I somewhat agree, but it’s not so much a question of nature and the human condition as a question of material circumstances and class warfare.

    We can’t all go back to living in caves that wouldn’t work, we can’t sustain the current population sitting around campfires and singing camping songs. So unless your advocating for mass genocide I don’t really understand what you want here.

    Ah yes the two options boring cyberpunk dystopias and hunter-gatherer. No in-between. None at all. /s

    would prefer to live in the real world and be a realist, I want the world to improve, but I don’t believe that the way to improve it is to be an unmoving obstacle

    But you just said that you don’t even understand what kind of world people want these days. I’m all for being effective, but it doesn’t seem like you believe in the possibility of structural change we need.

    Doing that is counterproductive to your own argument anyway because everyone will just get fed up with you and eventually ignore you.

    Not how it works at all historically.