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Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2024


  • Anecdotally, the majority of people I’ve seen who self host are doing it to replace subscription services. This ranges anywhere from piracy to libre office. So, they’re not gonna pay you a subscription for something they can do themselves.

    The audience is niche because you’re aiming at a subset of a subset of a subset of people. You’re looking to sell this to someone who:

    1. Doesn’t want to pay for a service they can do by themself (self-hosters)
    2. Has the knowledge and desire to handle networking (no amount of preconfiguration will make them not have to set up which ports their services need while allowing freedom)
    3. But doesn’t have the time/energy to do it themself
    4. Can afford to shell out a rather large amount of money ($150 is a lot to many people, and as the other person brought up; you’ll likely end up selling it for much more than this after manufacturing costs)
    5. For a piece of equipment that is eclipsed by a 3 year old desktop computer from eBay

    The amount of people who self host anything is already abysmally low - just look at the social media user count. There are more than twice as many people on r/pathofexile (which is already pretty niche) as on r/selfhosted. Obviously reddit isn’t the end-all be-all of representation in that way, but you can definitely get an idea of trends from it.

  • As an american, the amount of people who refuse to accept that American Propaganda exists is staggering. I had an immediate reaction to seeing “China is good though” and I have no way of knowing if it’s justified because I’ve been my told my entire life that China is an evil shithole by American propaganda.

    To take it a step further and say “America doesn’t have your best interest at heart” is deeply unsettling to the vast majority of Americans who blindly hand away their freedoms in the name of Freedom. Wait until people find out that our country is just like all the ones we’re taught to hate

  • GPU doesn’t work after being reconfigured

    On GNOME extensions crash

    “I made modifications to my system and broke it”

    Syncing files between devices is always a struggle


    Never know what will break when updating

    Read your updates before you do them?

    Bluetooth and scaling are not issues I’ve ever run in to, but I can’t say they’re not common.

    Basically, this whole post reads as “I messed with things that I didn’t properly understand and I’m blaming my computer for doing what I told it instead of what I wanted”

  • Windows only software

    I’m sure by now you know about the troves of compatibility layers that exist in order to make this possible; depending on the software.

    Get a minimize and maximize button

    This is more of a DE issue than Linux issue, I’m assuming you went with the default Gnome but you might like KDE or Cinnamon for a more windows like experience. I personally loved both of those DEs until I made the mistake of getting comfortable with a window manager