• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • If you read his letter. He is useing government resorces to silance a critic of himself.

    He claims it is Network Rail the engineer critisized. But over crowding laws and enforcment is a government job. His department in the case of rail.

    Also the critisism thar the station is dangerouslt overcroded has already been made by the government road and rail safty department OOR. A non ministerial department under his department.

    Also if he was correct he was chair of Network Rail from 2015 to 2023.

    So he is very much using governmene resources and spending to restrict critisizing his own actions and roles.

    Seriosly this is an extremely abusinve and narcissistic use of his power.

  • if they didn’t fire one engineer for doing his job. I

    I am of the opinion no government minister should have the right to threaten government contracts over demads of a companies HR department on an indevidual.

    And have written to my MP demanding he question the government o. This.

    But if you. Read the letter. The engineer made declararions to the independent news paper.

    PR is not his job. Ad engineer is not employed to make media anouncments as part of their job.

    His actions were a personall choice. One I fully support.

    But. Not part of his job.

    If you read lord henly letter. (Linkked to in the article) the Minister is claiming this engineer is critisizing the companies clienr network rail.

    This is false. He is commenting on train ovee crowding. This is not a network rail task. The tracks are their job.

    It is instead a government job.

    One they follow for animal welfare. As trains have limits for transporting animals.

    No such laws exist for human transport.

    So it is very very much the ministers department and parliment the enlgineer is critisizing. And a clear freedom of speach issue.

    Please everyone write to your MP insisteing they question the government on this.

  • Time to write to your MPs. Any party.

    And demand parliament insists the government fires him.

    Let’s face it. Even if this employee was talking out of his arse. Raising concerns over safety should never be a firable offence.

    And any minister who insists on it. Is in no way representing the people.

    When you then add. A government minister useing a threat of refusing national contracts. Unless its HR department acts based on his own feelings.

    If ministers want the ability to punish individual utility workers. Nationalise the companies. Then at least the government is responsible for the consequences of such actions.

    This is clearly an abuse of power.

    Write to your MPs and demand they question the governmwnt about the legitimacy of these actions.

  • As someone fitting solar to a small boat.

    Both is an option. IE have a water tank that can heat water on lower power slowly. Making use of reusable energy. And a heat bump to efficiently use it. (Not really doable on a small boat)

    And fit gas (i use electric) instant water heaters at the taps. I have it set up that I can turn it on and often use if when connected to shore power in winter.

    But use a tank heated by a solar dump when possible.

    Given how cheap solar panels are now. (£69 for 410w panal plus shipping) if your able to fit stuff yourself. It is worth the effort.

  • It would be cool.

    But i think the harm would outweigh any real advantage.

    Just think about UK hostory over the last 400 years of our parliment.

    We have created lots of laws with full public support. That at the time would have passed any test of democratic support you like to come up with.

    That nowadays seem utterly unforgivable.

    The need for our society to grow morrally is part of why we have the parliment we do.

    The US intentionally created there 3 house system to slow down major changes in moral ideals. And even that seems to cause more pain then good.

    One good example.

    It delayed the emd of slavery. Even more then the UK or most of the western world.

    And lets face it. Even with no limitations on our parliment. It takes time to end evils.

    The risk can be summed as. Winning support for an emotional possition is easier then ending it when talking about large communities.

  • As much as I agree with your definition of brexiters.

    Unfortunately your solution is not an option. We live in a fptp system. This means 30+ % who agree on one thing. Are able to completely override a decided rest.

    So unless all returners are willing to unite under a single policy. The brexiters will have power for ages. At least a generation or more.

    So until. That huge reduction in brexiter confidence. Telling them to suck it up is just a garrenteed way to lose elections. Not giving the time needed.