Flyberius [comrade/them]

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe… Piss ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion… I watched Pee-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like piss in rain…

– Dirt Owl replicant from the future

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2022


  • You know tibet was a feudal slave state before right? It made sense that, whilst throwing off their own shackles, they popped next door and got rid of those liege lords as well. You also know that the only people from Hong Kong who actually complain are rich business owners upset that they can’t exploit the poor like they could under British rule?

    Taiwan was been a nationalist hold out ruled under a military dictatorship for most of its existence. Their leadership does not represent the will of the Chinese people, they are literally just a US puppet.

    They will reintegrate with the mainland peacefully, despite western attempts to stir up a regional war. All the US can offer is blood and subjugation under capital. China offers progress and peace.

  • If only Westerners would do the same eh?

    I’m sure Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Syria, India, the entirety of Africa, Korea, Cambodia, Burma, the Americas, Palestine and god knows how many other places, would have appreciated us not moving in and upturning their entire way of life and strip mining their countries for our own benefit.

    But sure, stop the migrants at the border. Then you can work for minimum wage washing my car. You utter ghoul.

    I take comfort in knowing that you will get to watch the quality of life in whatever ghastly western country you live in completely deteriorate, and as that happens your own ruling elite will turn their hungry eyes inwards and begin to treat you and the ones you love the same way they’ve treated poor people around the world. As a resource to be exploited, used up, and then thrown away. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving people.

    I’ll be in China, laughing my fucking arse off.