Don’t want to get into a whole argument, But ltt suggested to stop throwing dirt. GN turned around and just continued slinging dirt. Just feels weird to me.
Don’t want to get into a whole argument, But ltt suggested to stop throwing dirt. GN turned around and just continued slinging dirt. Just feels weird to me.
A whole lot of shit slinging at LTT for no real reason. At when LTT rebuked the claims and suggested to stop doing so and work together in the future, GN just decided to double down and continue.
A bunch of childish stupid drama tbh, but very one-sided.
To be honest, GN is not worth your viewing time anymore. He’s just trying to stir drama on tech YouTube for the sake of starting drama…
He got multiple olive branches offered to stop the drama and he just threw them on top of the fire. He’s being a manchild for no reason.
Cheers. Rom hacks are like indie gaming lite. Some of them are great fun.
Or native gestures in Firefox. Either would be perfect.
Is there a single good article on Forbes? It’s always fucking clickbait without actual content.
Yeah, as long as Firefox (or a fork) doesn’t have native gestures, I can’t fulltime swap to it. Gestures addons are not the same. Anyone that used vivaldi (or opera) for any serious length of time knows what I mean.
I work for a large eu government agency. Why the hell they still insist that we promote our workings on Twitter completely eludes me. It does not make any sense whatsoever. They should get off and stop promoting that cesspool. Go to any of the myriad of competitors or just go back to Facebook and Instagram…
There not doing a very good job of locking people in tbh. Basically all software runs fine on windows.
Its an absolute non issue to run non MS apps on windows.
Replying from Ubuntu (distro of the month for me) though, so I know other. I wouldn’t say better, just different
Windows is perfectly fine for day to day use. 80% of my PC use (and probably 99% for like most people I know) is in a browser. The remaining 20% is in video games. My browser works 100% the same in Linux as it does in Windows. Video games overall are easier to use in Windows. (I use Steam (90% fine with Linux) and Gamepass, which does not play well with Linux).
But feel free to continue to complain about windows :)
I love how the lemmy FoSS Linux hivemind still down votes you to almost oblivion.
They still haven’t figured out this isn’t reddit. Shouldn’t downvote just because you don’t agree with something my dudes…
Tbh anyone claiming they can’t see the difference between 1080 and 4k on a monitor at a normal viewing distance is being disingenuous or has vision problems. The difference is very very noticeable.
That being said, I find the step from a 60hz to a 120hz monitor a bigger qol improvement than going from 1080 to 4K. But that’s my personal opinion.
I assume you help and financially support your instance of choice to help them with server costs? Video platforms are much more expensive to host than text platforms like mastodon or lemmy.
Tbh, if you’re that nervous about crossing the border with data, I’m sure you could find other ways to use the internet and decent encryption (behind multiple layers and/or people with a Deadman’s switch if you’re really paranoia and worried a judge will force you to unlock the precious 4mb worth of information) to protect your data when crossing a border.
Or probably even safer if you’re talking about just 4mb of data: send it from a random address in one country to a postbox in your destination or something by post. Tampering with mail carries a pretty heavy fine in most countries, chances a random postman opens a random envelope to a random address abroad are basically non existant. Security through obscurity.
I like reading about infosec, but some of it borders on absolute paranoia tbh :)
Haven’t seen a queue in ages tbh. Weak argument, not to mention that it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever
Pay 2 win? Where? Genuine question. Played it for 40h after launch, never once felt like paying money?
I also prefer electric cars, but goddamn if I haven’t gotten a heart attack multiple times from a sneaky silent ev fly past me minding my own business walking on the road. (not every road has sidewalks in the non-US city where I live)