9 days agoWhere I live tips are optional and given as a thanks for good service, and often calculated by rounding up the bill to a whole number instead of calculating a percentage.
Waiters still make a liveable wage without them here, though it can still happen that on a good night they get more from tips than from their wage.
I have a family member who works as a waiter, and there they collect the tips together and share them equally amongst the staff working in the restaurant at the end of the shift. So in this restaurant, the cooks do benefit from it as well. Though there is no legal framework for this so not even restaurant does this.
It was successfull for a while up to 10 years or so ago, when it was the main free option for video calling. But nowadays there are plenty of alternatives, pretty much all of which do a better job than Skype ever did.
Skype has now been pretty much obsolete for years so I don’t think it’s too bad that it’s ending.
The Google approach would have been to already have killed it in 2004 before it ever even had a chance to be successful.