I’m just looking for a simple 2D floor planner that is easy to use and has the ability to show measurements.

The two most recommended open source tools I’ve seen have shortcomings.

Sweet Home 3D:

  • Very 3D centric, which over complicates things.
  • Project was recently acquired/handed off to a company and the iOS version is published by “AI Photo Editor Lab SRL”

draw.io / diagrams.net:

  • Very finicky to set up and create floor plans
  • To display measurements one has to add measurement objects to every wall/object

Does anyone have other recommendations?

  • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    I’ve used illustrator but ink scape (free) would also work. I just use basic shapes and just ignore the unit. Meaning that I consider a mm in the software to be an inch IRL. That way I can get everything into proportion in relation to each other. I use the text tool for labelling furniture and stuff, grouping, and align tools too. It’s helped me tremendously.

    • pemptago@lemmy.ml
      24 days ago

      I have used inkscape for this purpose and it can be effective. The display units can be changed in the preferences (inch, cm, etc) and basic shape dimensions input directly. You can input absolute position for shapes and nodes, but I didn’t notice an easy way for relative position. They also have a path effect called “Measure Segments” for that functionality. FWIW, I later preferred blender, but I might try a dedicated tool like LibreCAD mentioned in another comment. They seem to have decent documentation and a wiki.