• merthyr1831@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    If you’re desperate for a discord-like experience (because lets face it, irc and mailing lists arent very flashy anymore!) you can try:

    • rocket chat - General purpose chat platform, very similar discord
    • mattermost - developer-centric platform, similar to slack
    • Matrix - open protocol, has a bunch of desktop clients

    Yes you wont have voice/vodeo chat for these but IMO that’s rarely useful anyway. And if you DO need it then you can use stuff like teamspeak or zoom***

    ***yes i know the issues with these options but for devs you dont really ever need to use meetings for very long and sometimes using a shitty free service with all you need is better than self hosting your own. Maybe Nextcloud talk can work?

    Some good arguments made for FOSS voice/meeting apps, and why VC and meetings are more important to the FOSS workflow than I thought :)

    • maness300@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Stop recommending closed-source, paid solutions. It makes you look like a shill.

      Matrix is the only suitable replacement for discord, as it is the only federated replacement.

      • toastal@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        Matrix was built by Israeli intelligence & consumes so many resources that it’s not feasible to self-host on most budgets. As such it’s highly centralized & the community is still largely being ran by Matrix.org as the keeper of the implementation server, the most popular client, the specification, the largest server- which syncs back the metadata.

        Mattermost is by-design centralized but it’s self-hostable & AGPL so I’m not sure where the closed-source accusation is coming from. At least it’s less wasteful than trying to be decentralized & if you wanted lightweight decentralization, you would reach for XMPP.