Todd produced something that’s actually good‽

I’ve watched the first two episodes and I’ve really liked it so far. While FO4 as a game was OK at best (at least vanilla; Sim Settlements 2 is great fun), I’ve liked the art direction on it. I know the “chunky” look has been a bit… divisive, I think it looks suitably retrofuturistic and less drab than the earlier games, so it’s fun that the show has really leaned into the style. The score by Ramin Djawadi is also really good, at times really reminds me of Ben Frost’s and Marc Streitenfeld fucking amazing score for Raised by Wolves.

The dark humor and a somewhat quirky and sarcastic take on things is also very Fallout; it doesn’t take itself too seriously, but is also surprisingly dark in many ways, and not just because it’s postapocalyptic and bloody.

spoilers for first 3 eps

Things like what Maximus did to whatstheirname, with the razor in the boot, and then what happened between him and Titus after the yao guai attack. It’s like everybody’s at least a little bit of an asshole and that there’s not too many if any unambiguously “good” characters in the main cast.

Edit: did that axolotl-looking huge mutant with fingers coming out of its mouth drop loot when it died‽

All in all, it’s been a really nice surprise that the show seems to have turned out well; my cynical old ass was definitely prepared for something worse, heh. How have you folks liked it?

(Oh and for the love of the gods and all that is fuzzy, please remember to use spoiler tags if you talk about plot points 😁 It’s the second button on the right on the comment format bar.)

    11 months ago

    It sounds really good, but I’m protesting commercials on a service that promised to be commercial free. I will watch it vicariously through online discussions.

      11 months ago

      I shared your frustrations and tried to watch it for free online, only for the stream to fail after 14 minutes. Since I was then hooked, I fired up Prime and binged the whole thing. The first episode did not have any ads for me, and I maybe saw 4 pre-roll (36-second spots) over all eight. I’m not in any way saying it’s acceptable, but it was minimal. For this show I felt it was absolutely worth it. However you get to see it, it’s a great TV show.

      -a person who has put multiple hundreds of hours into Fallout 3, NV, & 4.