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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • It sounds as you want to evaluate different Linux Distributions.

    DE/GUI is a good one, terminal commands is a bit useless since the vast majority of Linux systems use Bash as default.

    This is what I would look into on a new distro:

    UI - What DE or WM is it using, what is the default config like, and try to learn from that. How is the terminal prompt configured (the default Ubuntu and Debian prompts are terrible, I allways change them)

    Package Manager - how does it work, what software is available?

    Unique software - Does the distribution include some tools, applications or games I haven’t heard about? If so, what do they do, and how do they work.

    This gives me a feel for the distribution and how to use it.

  • I know PCs usually are a few years behind technology wise.

    I am an IT technician, and it takes a lot of confidence and ignorance to be this wrong.

    I’m kind of surprised they still don’t have bluetooth as standard.

    This explains so much about your earlier statement, you seem to think that there is a a standard PC, there isn’t.

    There are hundreds of manufacturers making PCs and PC parts.

    I have never seen a laptop in decades that lack Bluetooth, however there are still desktop motherboards you can buy without wifi or bluetooth, but this is not my reason for making this post…

    I am pissed because I don’t get why you wouldn’t just put the required Bluetooth into the PSVR2 PC adapter unit.

  • You make it seem like the Nazis are the only one trying to doxx people, both sides are doing this, and I will absolutely cheer for the guys trying to doxx Nazis every day of the week!

    This entire debate has been about politics, then you suddenly shift to talk about immunocompromised people which is a different topic.

    That was never an issue to me, medical needs take precidence.

    It is also clear that you know that once you have a name and general information about a person in Sweden you can easily use services like hitta.se to find their home address including directions to their apartment door.

    But this falls apart when you realize that we don’t have an image search for faces.

    My point about Nazis masking faster was an admittedly clumbsy way to say that Nazis seem to be the group that embrace masking more than other groups.

    The entire second part of your comment drips of sarcasm, and is childish. I am fine with you disagreeing, but argue in an adult manner.

    In the end it is clear that neither me nor you will change our oppinion, so this argument is pointless.

    Go an have a lovely weekend, I’ll have to clean my flat, I hope you have better plans.

  • We have had those environmental glue protests here, while I dislike their methods, I have never seen them try and hide their identities, I do respect that, that tells me that they actually are believing in what they do, and not just using the cause a way to cause destruction.

    So far, I can’t remember any of their protests devolving into rioting or violence, at least not from their side.

    In my experience neo nazis are way more prone to mask in their protests than other groups.